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What You've Got Wrong About Pressure Washing

Janurary 7th, 2024 Lawn Web Pros

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What you have got wrong about pressure washing

The subject of pressure washing is usually surrounded by numerous misconceptions. Many believe it to be a simple DIY task that only requires water and pressure. However, in reality, this cleaning technique requires more thought and skill than is often acknowledged. In this post, we aim to debunk six common myths about pressure washing, setting you on the right path to maximizing its benefits.

Myth #1 - Pressure Washing Is a Simple DIY Task

Don't let the apparent simplicity of pressure washing fool you into thinking it's an effortless DIY job. To the untrained eye, it might seem as easy as just pointing the washer and pulling the trigger, but the reality is considerably more complex. Handling a pressure washer takes more than just muscle; it demands finesse, the appropriate equipment, and a solid understanding of safety precautions.

The high-pressure water stream is powerful enough to shatter windows, peel paint from surfaces, and cause injury if mishandled. Moreover, every surface needs a different level of pressure, and knowing the right amount is key to avoiding damage. And let's not forget the risks of directing the pressure towards living beings. An accident can be as severe as it is unexpected, making it crucial to approach the task with utmost care.

All these factors prove that pressure washing is not a task you can undertake without proper preparation and knowledge. It goes beyond just controlling the water and pressure; it's about understanding how to use this potent force safely and efficiently. It's a job that professionals have been trained to do, ensuring that your property gets cleaned without any accidents or damage. So, before you consider pressure washing a simple DIY task, think again. With so much at stake, it might be best to leave it to the professionals.

Myth #2 - All Surfaces Can Be Pressure Washed

It's easy to fall into the trap of believing that all surfaces can handle the brute force of pressure washing, but the truth is not so straightforward. Certain surfaces, such as soft wood, laminated glass, and aged masonry, are delicate and can be damaged by the impact of pressurized water. Also, if you're thinking about pressure washing a painted surface, be prepared for the possibility of the paint being stripped off. Therefore, it's crucial to assess the material you're about to clean.

The diverse range of surfaces around your property demands a different level of care, and pressure washing may not be the one-size-fits-all solution you were hoping for. It's always wise to consult with a professional, who can identify the appropriate cleaning method for each type of surface and ensure the longevity and aesthetics of your property are preserved. Remember, pressure washing is a powerful tool, but only when used correctly. So, always consider the surface before you start the process, or you might end up doing more harm than good.

Myth #3 - Pressure Washing Uses Excessive Amounts of Water

It's a common assumption that pressure washing is a major water waste. After all, the forceful stream of water must require a colossal amount of H2O, right? Not exactly. In reality, pressure washing is not the water-guzzling monster many perceive it to be.

Think about it this way: when you use a garden hose, you're using approximately nine gallons of water every minute. Shocking, right? Now let's compare that to pressure washing. A pressure washer, with its high-powered cleaning ability, only uses about five gallons of water per minute. That's nearly half the amount!

Contrary to popular belief, this cleaning method is actually more water-efficient than traditional hose washing. The concentrated force of the water means less is wasted, and the job gets done more effectively. So not only are you achieving a cleaner surface, but you're also saving water in the process.

This myth might seem logical at first glance, but when you delve into the numbers, it's clear that pressure washing can actually be a more sustainable option. So next time you're faced with a daunting outdoor cleaning task, remember this fact and consider opting for pressure washing instead. It's not just a powerful way to clean, it's also a smarter way to conserve water.

Myth #4 - Pressure Washing Does Not Require Any Cleaning Solutions

Contrary to popular belief, pressure washing is not just about water strength. It's also about the power of the cleaning solutions used. Some people might argue that the high-velocity water alone can sweep away all the filth. While this may be partly true, it does not hold for all types of grime and stains. Certain stubborn marks, such as grease, mold, and deep-seated dirt, demand a little extra elbow grease in the form of specialized cleaning solutions.

These cleaners are crafted to target and break down various stains, making it easier for the pressure washer to clean the surface efficiently.

Just as you wouldn't tackle a greasy oven with water alone, you can't expect a pressure washer to do its best work without the help of a cleaning solution. The right cleaner enhances the power of pressure washing, making it a formidable cleaning force. However, make sure to choose the right cleaner for the surface you are cleaning to avoid any potential damage.

In essence, while pressure washing can be powerful, it's the combo of pressurized water and cleaning solutions that delivers a knockout punch to grime and stains. So, don't underestimate the role of cleaning solutions in the pressure washing process; they might just be the secret ingredient you need for a spotlessly clean surface. Remember, a pressure washer is a tool, and like any tool, you need to use it correctly for the best results.

Myth #5 - More Pressure Equals Better Cleaning

Hold on to your pressure washers, folks, because it's time to bust another myth. It's easy to believe that cranking up the pressure to its maximum level will result in a cleaner surface. But like fine wine, pressure washing has its sweet spot. More pressure isn't synonymous with better cleaning—it's about finding the right balance.

Think of pressure washing like a symphony: too much of one instrument can drown out the others, creating a cacophony rather than harmonious music. Similarly, applying too much pressure can result in chipped paint, etched wood, or even shattered glass. It's a little like using a hammer where a delicate touch is needed. Yes, pressure washing is powerful, but it's not always about brute strength.

When it comes to pressure washing, it's important to understand that each surface you clean has its own unique needs. Some require a more powerful blast, while others need a gentler touch.

Remember, the aim here is effective cleaning, not surface destruction. Start with lower pressure, observe how the surface responds, and adjust accordingly. It's a trial-and-error process that calls for patience and keen observation.

So the next time you find yourself reaching for that pressure dial, pause for a moment. More pressure does not always mean better cleaning. Understanding this crucial point can save you from potential damage and unnecessary rework. Balance, not maximum power, is the key to an effective pressure washing job. Remember, it's about conducting a beautiful cleaning symphony, not a noisy, destructive rock concert.

Myth #6 - Once Pressure Washed, Surfaces Stay Clean for Years

Pressure washing is often seen as the magic eraser of outdoor cleaning - one swift pressure wash and voila! Your surfaces stay pristine for years to come. Regrettably, reality doesn't conform to this hopeful scenario. Yes, pressure washing can strip away years of accumulated dirt and grime, offering an instant facelift to your property. But no, it doesn't grant your surfaces an eternal immunity against future dirt and stains.

The truth is, your pressure washed surfaces are exposed to the same natural and man-made elements as before - wind, rain, dirt, and pollutants. All these factors collectively contribute to the gradual re-soiling of your surfaces over time. While pressure washing can offer a deep, thorough clean, it can't change the nature of these relentless elements.

Regular maintenance is, therefore, the real key to keeping your surfaces looking fresh and clean. Think of pressure washing as a powerful reset button that restores your surfaces to their original glory. But just like any reset button, its effectiveness lasts only until the next accumulation of dirt and grime.

Don't let this deter you from reaping the benefits of pressure washing. Instead, consider incorporating it into your regular maintenance routine. Remember, while pressure washing is an incredibly effective cleaning method, it's not a one-time solution. It's a tool that's best used periodically, and with an understanding of the ongoing battle between clean surfaces and the elements. Keep this in mind, and you'll be able to keep your surfaces looking their best for years to come.

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